Saturday, 20 February 2010

Alan Dunn Workshops

Yes that's right. Alan Dunn!!
I am pleased to announce that Alan has agreed to do two workshops for us here at Varis Pipe dreams. The venue will be Maclean's Highland Bakery,16 West Road, Forres, which as you know is now the new home for Varis Pipe Dreams.
The date for the two workshops is Saturday August 7th and Sunday August 8th.
Please book your place early as the last time we had Alan it was so succesful we eneded up with a waiting list and quite a few disappointed people not being able to attend.
As soon as the price has been fixed we will let you know but we envisage the price to be approximately £55 per workshop.
Alan will also be signing copies of his latest book, indeed his 13th!

I for one cant wait.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

It has been a long time since my last post, I have been very busy with the new shop!
Setting it up, running classes, creating the chocolate laboratry etc etc etc.
Gosh I sound like Yul Bryner in the film The King and I, apparently!! I would not remember it myself of course, being so young.
Right so whats New.....................

Well we have almost finnished a classroom for our weekend workshops which we hope to start in the Summer. I will keep you posted. Our sugarcraft courses will be starting again on Feb 24th and 25th.
Sugarveil will all soon be back in stock and there will be new lacemats too!
If you havent tried it yet, just let me know, you may want to join the sugarveil course.

Well I will be on again soon with more news but for now........all keep well and see you soon.